Regus lands in Business World Alicante. We continue to carry out attractive projects for flexible work spaces. In this case, we carry out the interior remodeling of a space with wonderful coastal views of the Alicante Port, ideal to work in an unparalleled setting with capacity for 95 private offices, 5 coworking desks and 3 meeting rooms. This white building, of historical architectonic interest and known locally as the Old Sea House, is where all fishingfleet formalities in the area were managed in the past.
The fitting has had a great impact not only from an interior design perspective, where compartmentalization by means of drywall and partition create interesting spaces full of detail, but also far-reaching fittings on all of them (electrical, illumination,mechanical,FP, securityandvoice/data). Además coordinamos la logística y montaje del mobiliario operativo suministrado porla propiedad.
We also coordinate assembly and logistics of the operational furniture supplied by the property.
Regarding electrical wiring, it has been modernized by fitting LED lighting and we have adapted all workstations to the new layout.
With respect to climate control, the twin tube fan coils have been updated and adapted to the new office distribution and incorporating new fan coil units. Heat recovery systems have been installed in every floor to guarantee ventilation and necessary input in the building.
As for plumbing and sanitation, new common areas for tenant use have been set up. Finally, the necessary fire hoses have been installed, and the previously existent ones have been relocated to adapt their distribution to the building’s new distribution.
These works were performed on tight deadlines, but we managed to deliver thanks to our teams:
FLULLE Fit-out & Property Upgrade and FLULLE Installations
And remember: if you want everything, we take care of everything.