In this particular case, the La Paz Hospital required a clean room in which to perform stem cell research towards treatment of leukemia in the pediatric ward. For this reason, they contacted FLULLE given our proven experience with this type of facilities, so we would carry out advisory, engineering and execution of the project.
The fittings performed in these areas demand a positive differential pressure tolerance of no more than 25 pascals between the laboratory (clean room - type D - ISO 8) and the entrance zone before the entrance and exit locks, also holding a room D type ISO 8 classification. This lock, in turn, has a positive pressure of 10 pascals compared to the lab entrance area, with the air flow always in the direction of the lab, lock and entrance zone. This installation admits a maximum deviation of 0.1 pascal in the laboratory and lock pressures. Regarding temperature, the maximum deviation allowed is 0.2 ºC between set and ambient temperature, while relative humidity can have a maximum deviation of 2%.
The precise and meticulous job done by Flulle Installations, has allowed us to not only comply with the specifications for a surgical area obtaining an ISO-8 classification, but also being awarded with an ISO-7. In practice, while suspended particle counts of less than 0.5 microns for projects like these are capped at 3,520,000, we achieved a maximum of 23,600 in the first operating room and 35,340 particles in the second.